Please note that the PA3 has a new website

Sunday, April 18, 2010

PA3 Volunteers Help Young Triathletes

A handful of PA3 volunteers turned out to guide and cheer on 3- to 12-year old participants in the YMCA Healthy Kids Triathlon on April 18. Sara Hastings '09, pictured above, helped some of the youngest swimmers navigate the length of the pool.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

PA3 Caps Make Way for Hard Hats at Isles

PA3 members, spouses and offspring donned hard hats at the sixth PA3 Community Service Isles outing, where they demolished the interior of a future warehouse for Terracycle. The building, which Isles purchased in late 2009, is adjacent to the 19th century textile mill Isles is converting to a mixed-use, "green" village, where PA3 volunteers have worked in the past.
Special thanks to Joe Voigtsberger '82 and his daughter Kate for their perfect attendance at all six Isles volunteer days. Kudos also to the "heavyweight" crew for pulling down ceilings and knocking down walls: Joe, Mark Horning '79 with son Gareth (pictured above), David Budd '79, Barry Zhang *94, Dan Hayes-Patterson '09, Richard Wong '95, and Dina Kravets '88 and her daughter Pearl. Other volunteers who pulled down siding, dismantled fixtures, toted debris to the dumpster, and otherwise helped out were Seamus Abshere '06, Laurel Goodell *83, Sara Hastings '09, Bettina Miguez '06, Richard's wife Jaime Wong, Kate, and your well-meaning but muscularly deficient Community Service chair, Arlen Hastings '80, who amused and/or terrified the Isles staff by using a power saw. (More pictures on Facebook.)

Friday, April 16, 2010

New Admit Reception - Saturday, April 17th

We invite you to join us at a reception for the recently admitted students on Saturday afternoon, April 17. We will meet in Maclean House, on the campus, from 1:00 - 3:00 pm. At that time you will be able to meet with current Princeton students as well as alumni and members of the admissions office. L ight refreshments will be provided, along with some terrific entertainment.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Special Olympics Summer Games, Sunday, June 13

Please join PA3 for a rewarding afternoon (12:00-4:00) in the company of fellow alums supporting athletes with intellectual disabilities. PA3 volunteers will be helping out with Field Events at the Special Olympics New Jersey (SONJ) Summer Games at the College of New Jersey in Ewing.

Jobs will be assigned randomly unless you indicate a preference between working in the field, e.g. as a marker/measurer/recorder for jumps; or working directly with an athlete as an escort.

Family and friends are welcome. Kids must be 13 or older to volunteer alone; 10- to 12-year-olds may volunteer with a parent.

Lunch and t-shirts will be provided by SONJ, and volunteers will receive a PA3 cap.

SONJ is holding 25 volunteer slots for PA3. If you would like to be part of PA3’s first trip to the Olympics, please sign up no later than May 15 via email to Arlen Hastings. After that, any unfilled slots will be released to other groups.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

APGA Engineering Mixer - April 14th (with free dinner!)

Each year the APGA, in partnership with various university organizations for student life, sponsors a number of mixers that provide an opportunity for current graduate students to meet with alumni from their disciplines. It also provides a chance for alumni to interact with each other. While the focus of this mixer is on Engineering, alumni from other disciplines are welcome to attend.

The mixers give current graduate students an opportunity to learn more about how to navigate the post-graduate student life and learn from your own experience. Your experience managing the important transition from graduate school into the professional world is highly valued by the University. We hope that you can attend this evening event and share your thoughts with the next generation of graduate students in a casual setting. Our experience with these mixers is that the student-alumni ties initiated at these events develop into constructive relationships.

A light buffet dinner will be served.

Date: Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Time: 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Location: Friend Center (

Friday, April 2, 2010

Princeton Project 55 20th Anniversary Gala, May 27

Princeton Project 55 is an alumni-driven organization that promotes alumni engagement in the public interest. Project 55 is celebrating its 20th anniversary by honoring the people, programs and impact of this multigenerational organization at a special gala at the Westin Princeton on Thursday, May 27, 2010 at 6 p.m. The keynote speaker will be The Honorable Cory A. Booker, Mayor of Newark, NJ. More than 200 alumni already plan to attend. To join the celebration or for more information, please click here. Questions? Contact Natasha Robinson ’04.

PA3 Calendar of Events

For our latest events, please check our monthly e-mail newsletter.