Please note that the PA3 has a new website

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Community Service: PA3 Visits Rescue Mission of Trenton

Nine PA3 members visited the Rescue Mission of Trenton on December 11 for a morning of learning and service. Top picture was taken in the women’s emergency shelter. PA3 volunteers (l-r in bottom picture) were Grace Penn ’99, Ed Andrews ’71, John Penrod *94, George McLaughlin ’58, Tom Pyle ’76, Arlen Hastings ’80, Sara Hastings ’09, Tom Hastings ’79, and Sunu Joseph p13.

According to its literature, the Rescue Mission “helps struggling individuals in Trenton by providing them with shelter, food, and substance abuse treatment.” This is an understatement; the Rescue Mission, which occupies a full city block, provides an impressive array of services and learning opportunities on both an ongoing and emergency basis. It was abundantly clear that the Rescue Mission takes seriously its commitment to “create an environment where its clients can live with dignity, build self-esteem, and experience love, responsibility and hope.”

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: The Rescue Mission offers classes and individual tutoring for its resident clients. Volunteers who are able to make a weekly commitment are currently needed to teach a GED writing class (Mondays from 5-6) and a basic computer skills class (Fridays from 1-2). There are openings on Sundays at 11 and Tuesdays at 2 for volunteers who would like to design their own classes. Tutors are needed weekdays from 5-6 , or on weekend mornings, to work with individuals. For more information about ways to volunteer, click here. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Jennifer Sanderson of the Rescue Mission staff, with a copy to Arlen Hastings, PA3 Community Service chair, and identify yourself as a PA3 member.

If you would like to volunteer but can't make a weekly commitment, the Rescue Mission also welcomes volunteers on the first Saturday of every month from 10:00-12:30 to assist in a variety of projects including sorting clothing for the thrift store, painting and cleaning.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Dance Concert (NYC) with the American Dystonia Society

Join ADS for an evening with Alvin Ailey I Dance
America's Premier Dance Company
Thursday 30 December 2010, 8:00PM
NY City Center (West 55th Street between 6th and 7th Avenues)

Our tickets are in Orchestra rows C-F
Please click on this link or email Noel Valero '82 S85 ( to purchase tickets.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Accepting Self-Nominations for PA3 Executive Committee

At PA3’s Annual Dinner/Annual Meeting on January 22, 2011, we will be conducting elections for the four PA3 Officers (watch your mailbox for our official invitation to the dinner). We also have some vacancies for Directors and Committee Chairs, which can be filled by appointment of the PA3 Executive Committee. Typically, the Executive Committee (comprising the Officers, Directors and Committee Chairs) meets in person or via teleconference one evening per month. Please consider volunteering for any of the positions described here and return the self-nomination information to PA3 by email to by January 10, 2011.

If you are interested in self-nominating or volunteering for one of the positions listed here, please provide the following information by January 10th:

Email Address:
Phone Number:
Position Desired:

Also, so that everyone can get a chance to know who you are, please write a little bit (about ~250 words) about why you'd like to serve PA3 and why you'd be qualified to do so.

PA3 Calendar of Events

For our latest events, please check our monthly e-mail newsletter.