Please note that the PA3 has a new website

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Community Service Update

The PA3 had another great day at Isles. A group of about half repeat volunteers and half first-timers finished up the demolition in the area where we’d begun work a month ago, and sorted the wood and other disassembled bits into piles for reuse or recycling.

Contrary to an earlier post, there will be more opportunities to volunteer at the Isles site during the winter; parts of the building will be warmed with space heaters so work can go on.

The PA3 Community Service committee is also beginning to plan a mentoring program to help Trenton area high school students through the college application and financial-aid-seeking process. We hope to begin next spring and carry on at least through one college application season – and if all goes well, to make this an ongoing PA3 program. We are in the early stages of figuring out how this is going to work and welcome the participation of alums in the planning process. If you'd like to help with the planning, please contact Grace Penn '99 at

PA3 Calendar of Events

For our latest events, please check our monthly e-mail newsletter.