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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Community Service Opportunity, Sept. 19: Trail Maintenance, Bridge Construction

Roebling Park, Trenton
Sunday, September 19, 10:00-4:00

Activities will include construction of a bridge over a small tidal creek; trail maintenance, specifically removal of a large tree that lies across a trail; removal of an invasive species (Japanese knotweed); and trash pickup in the area near the Charles Conrad Abbott home site. The Hamilton–Trenton–Bordentown Marsh, of which Roebling Park is part, is the northernmost tidal freshwater wetland on the Delaware River.

Spouses, significant others, and kids (12 and up) are welcome. No experience or special skills needed.

To sign up, and for directions and details about what to wear and what to bring, please email Arlen Hastings.

Thank you to committee member Philo Elmer '69 for getting this organized!

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