Officers (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer): Each officer shall hold office for the term of two (2) years and until a successor is elected and qualified. All officers may succeed themselves, except that the President and Vice President may hold their respective offices for no more than two (2) consecutive terms although shall otherwise be eligible for re-election. All elected officers shall take office at the beginning of the next fiscal year, July 1, 2011. The current President and Vice President are completing the first of their 2 possible consecutive terms.
President: The President manages all association activities, delegating specific duties as broadly as possible. The President presides at Executive Committee and general membership meetings, maintains contact with the Alumni Association staff and the Alumni Council Committee on Regional Associations and appoints committee leaders, in conjunction with the other members of the Executive Committee.
Vice President: The Vice President shall perform all the duties of the President in the event of the absence or resignation of the latter, and under ordinary circumstances shall succeed the President at the end of the President’s term. The Vice President is an advisor and assistant to the President.
Secretary: The Secretary takes minutes at meetings involving the Executive Committee and/or general membership; maintains the constitution, by-laws, and written procedures of the organization, and writes and distributes the newsletters of the organization.
Treasurer: The Treasurer receives and has custody of, manages deposit accounts for, and disburses in accordance with PA3’s by-laws and written procedures the monies and other valuables of PA3. The Treasurer also keeps full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements and other valuables on hand, prepares and furnishes reports of all transactions and of the financial condition of PA3 as needed, and completes and returns Princeton University-furnished paperwork for IRS or other purposes.
Directors: Directors serve the function of members-at-large of the Executive Committee, advising and participating as needed. They are voting members of Executive Committee, have no defined responsibilities, and may contribute when and what they can. We currently have 2 open positions for director to serve for the remainder of the current term, ending June 30, 2013.
Technology Committee Chair: The Technology Committee Chair maintains PA3’s website, Facebook page, Linked-In profile, and other resources; and liaises with the Alumni Council Technology Advisory Committee.
Young Alumni Committee Chair: The Young Alumni Committee Chair encourages participation of young alumni in PA3 activities by initiating activities aimed at a young alumni audience and/or developing strategies for getting young alumni to join in all alumni events.
Parents Committee Chair: The Parents Committee Chair encourages participation of local parents of undergraduates, graduate students, and alumni in PA3 activities by initiating activities to welcome parents to the Princeton community, encouraging participation in PA3 events, and coordinating efforts for parents of current students to counsel and advise parents of admitted students.
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