Please note that the PA3 has a new website

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Help Build a Playground!

Rachel Riedl *08 is coordinating a volunteer effort to build a playground in Hopewell Township over five days this June. She writes:

“Please volunteer to use your energy creatively and get involved in the Hopewell Borough Playground Project! The architectural design of this new community playground uses drawings, essays, and suggestions from students all over the county who were asked their ideas of 'dream playgrounds.' Now we need your help to build it! Together, we can create safe, environmentally friendly, child-inspired, community-built playgrounds for all to enjoy! Like an old fashioned barn-raising, the new playground will be built on June 17-21, 2009. We will need a total of over 750 community volunteers of all ages and skill-levels to work side-by-side and build a lasting product for our community.”

To sign up for a volunteer shift, go to

Further details are available at; go to -Volunteers-, -Search Opportunities-, and enter keyword -Hopewell-. (Sorry - the direct URL is too unwieldy to include here.)

Still have questions? Please contact Rachel at or 609 356 4999.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Alumni Connections Event - Feb. 10

Date: Tuesday, February 10
Location: 36 University Place (former U-Store building)
Time: 6 - 8PM
This networking event creates an opportunity for undergraduate students to speak with alumni from both the smaller and larger academic departments who represent a variety of career fields. You are invited to share your thoughts with current students on the skills you developed through your major and your career path. Students have expressed interest in a broad range of fields. While this is an event that is targeted for freshmen and sophomores, it is open to all students. Food and refreshments will be provided.RSVP to by Friday, January 23, 2009.


Place: Princeton Art Museum
Date: Saturday, Feb. 7
Time: 11 AM
Professor David P. Billington has kindly offered to give PA3 members a special group tour of "Felix Candela: Engineer, Builder, Structural Artist" exhibition currently showing at the Princeton University Art Museum. To RSVP, please e-mail Kristin at

Thursday, January 15, 2009

PA3 at Isles: Another "Smashing" Success!

PA3 and Isles joined forces for another great volunteer event on January 10. Thirty hardy souls braved cold and dust to tear down walls, remove and haul concrete, pull nails, and commune with fellow alums, all for a great cause. (Check the September 20, 2008 blog post to see what this is all about.) Everyone had a lot of fun and vowed to come back again. Really! The next PA3/Isles volunteer event will be scheduled for sometime in March. Stay tuned for details.

PA3 Calendar of Events

For our latest events, please check our monthly e-mail newsletter.