Please note that the PA3 has a new website

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Community Service: PA3 Visits Rescue Mission of Trenton

Nine PA3 members visited the Rescue Mission of Trenton on December 11 for a morning of learning and service. Top picture was taken in the women’s emergency shelter. PA3 volunteers (l-r in bottom picture) were Grace Penn ’99, Ed Andrews ’71, John Penrod *94, George McLaughlin ’58, Tom Pyle ’76, Arlen Hastings ’80, Sara Hastings ’09, Tom Hastings ’79, and Sunu Joseph p13.

According to its literature, the Rescue Mission “helps struggling individuals in Trenton by providing them with shelter, food, and substance abuse treatment.” This is an understatement; the Rescue Mission, which occupies a full city block, provides an impressive array of services and learning opportunities on both an ongoing and emergency basis. It was abundantly clear that the Rescue Mission takes seriously its commitment to “create an environment where its clients can live with dignity, build self-esteem, and experience love, responsibility and hope.”

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: The Rescue Mission offers classes and individual tutoring for its resident clients. Volunteers who are able to make a weekly commitment are currently needed to teach a GED writing class (Mondays from 5-6) and a basic computer skills class (Fridays from 1-2). There are openings on Sundays at 11 and Tuesdays at 2 for volunteers who would like to design their own classes. Tutors are needed weekdays from 5-6 , or on weekend mornings, to work with individuals. For more information about ways to volunteer, click here. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Jennifer Sanderson of the Rescue Mission staff, with a copy to Arlen Hastings, PA3 Community Service chair, and identify yourself as a PA3 member.

If you would like to volunteer but can't make a weekly commitment, the Rescue Mission also welcomes volunteers on the first Saturday of every month from 10:00-12:30 to assist in a variety of projects including sorting clothing for the thrift store, painting and cleaning.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Dance Concert (NYC) with the American Dystonia Society

Join ADS for an evening with Alvin Ailey I Dance
America's Premier Dance Company
Thursday 30 December 2010, 8:00PM
NY City Center (West 55th Street between 6th and 7th Avenues)

Our tickets are in Orchestra rows C-F
Please click on this link or email Noel Valero '82 S85 ( to purchase tickets.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Accepting Self-Nominations for PA3 Executive Committee

At PA3’s Annual Dinner/Annual Meeting on January 22, 2011, we will be conducting elections for the four PA3 Officers (watch your mailbox for our official invitation to the dinner). We also have some vacancies for Directors and Committee Chairs, which can be filled by appointment of the PA3 Executive Committee. Typically, the Executive Committee (comprising the Officers, Directors and Committee Chairs) meets in person or via teleconference one evening per month. Please consider volunteering for any of the positions described here and return the self-nomination information to PA3 by email to by January 10, 2011.

If you are interested in self-nominating or volunteering for one of the positions listed here, please provide the following information by January 10th:

Email Address:
Phone Number:
Position Desired:

Also, so that everyone can get a chance to know who you are, please write a little bit (about ~250 words) about why you'd like to serve PA3 and why you'd be qualified to do so.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dec 16 - Third Thursday Happy Hour, 5:30 - 7:30 PM

Date: Thursday, December 16
Time: 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Place: Metro North Restaurant, 378 Alexander Road, Princeton

Join fellow Princeton-area alumni for refreshments and drinks at the new Metro North Restaurant (in the former home of the Rusty Scupper and JL Ivy). Look for the orange and black balloons and the folks in black and orange! The bar is straight ahead as you enter the restaurant. Contact Lydia Zaininger ( for more information. See you there!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Community Service at Rescue Mission of Trenton, Saturday, December 11

Please join the Community Service Committee at the Rescue Mission of Trenton for a half-day program of information, volunteering, and lunch with clients. We’ll begin at 9:30 with a half-hour presentation about what the Rescue Mission is and does and about ways to volunteer, followed by a tour of the facility. We’ll then be put to work in the Thrift Store for a couple of hours. At 12:15, we’ll have lunch with Rescue Mission clients.

Adult (18-and-up) family members and friends are welcome.

To sign up, please email Arlen Hastings. There is space for a maximum of 15 volunteers for this activity; first come, first served.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Positions Up for Election (1/2011) or Currently Vacant

Officers (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer): Each officer shall hold office for the term of two (2) years and until a successor is elected and qualified. All officers may succeed themselves, except that the President and Vice President may hold their respective offices for no more than two (2) consecutive terms although shall otherwise be eligible for re-election. All elected officers shall take office at the beginning of the next fiscal year, July 1, 2011. The current President and Vice President are completing the first of their 2 possible consecutive terms.

President: The President manages all association activities, delegating specific duties as broadly as possible. The President presides at Executive Committee and general membership meetings, maintains contact with the Alumni Association staff and the Alumni Council Committee on Regional Associations and appoints committee leaders, in conjunction with the other members of the Executive Committee.

Vice President: The Vice President shall perform all the duties of the President in the event of the absence or resignation of the latter, and under ordinary circumstances shall succeed the President at the end of the President’s term. The Vice President is an advisor and assistant to the President.

Secretary: The Secretary takes minutes at meetings involving the Executive Committee and/or general membership; maintains the constitution, by-laws, and written procedures of the organization, and writes and distributes the newsletters of the organization.

Treasurer: The Treasurer receives and has custody of, manages deposit accounts for, and disburses in accordance with PA3’s by-laws and written procedures the monies and other valuables of PA3. The Treasurer also keeps full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements and other valuables on hand, prepares and furnishes reports of all transactions and of the financial condition of PA3 as needed, and completes and returns Princeton University-furnished paperwork for IRS or other purposes.

Directors: Directors serve the function of members-at-large of the Executive Committee, advising and participating as needed. They are voting members of Executive Committee, have no defined responsibilities, and may contribute when and what they can. We currently have 2 open positions for director to serve for the remainder of the current term, ending June 30, 2013.

Technology Committee Chair: The Technology Committee Chair maintains PA3’s website, Facebook page, Linked-In profile, and other resources; and liaises with the Alumni Council Technology Advisory Committee.

Young Alumni Committee Chair: The Young Alumni Committee Chair encourages participation of young alumni in PA3 activities by initiating activities aimed at a young alumni audience and/or developing strategies for getting young alumni to join in all alumni events.

Parents Committee Chair: The Parents Committee Chair encourages participation of local parents of undergraduates, graduate students, and alumni in PA3 activities by initiating activities to welcome parents to the Princeton community, encouraging participation in PA3 events, and coordinating efforts for parents of current students to counsel and advise parents of admitted students.

Princeton AlumniCorps Seeks Volunteers in Marketing, Communications, Project Management

Princeton AlumniCorps (formerly Princeton Project 55) is an independent, alumni-led, nonprofit organization that engages alumni in significant public interest initiatives. Its new Community Volunteers program seeks to connect Princeton alumni from the classes in the '60s, '70s, and '80s to civic engagement opportunities in the nonprofit sector. Locally, Community Volunteers is organizing pro bono working groups of Princeton alumni to assist nonprofit organizations with substantive short-term projects not related to fundraising. The first of many opportunities is below.

Healthcare and Domestic Violence Initiative
Princeton AlumniCorps’ initial partner, Womanspace, has developed a training curriculum for healthcare providers focused on the establishment of screening mechanisms to identify victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.

We are looking for volunteers to organize outreach and communications efforts to healthcare providers of all types, including private practices, hospitals, and clinics. If you have experience in the following fields, Princeton AlumniCorps wants to hear from you!

• Marketing
• Communications
• Project Management

If you are interested, and would like to learn more about how to get involved, contact Ed Andrews ’71 or John Shriver, Program Director.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Dec 8th - Carnegie Hall Concert featuring Pierre-Laurent Aimard, Piano

An Evening at Carnegie Hall
(57th St and Seventh Ave, NYC)
Dec 8th, 8:00 PM
Pierre-Laurent Aimand, Piano

Sorry, tickets are no longer available for this event through PA3. You may be able to purchase tickets directly from the Carnegie Hall box office. If you would like to be included with the pre-show plans and/or carpooling, please email us to include you on our list.

If you have purchased tickets from PA3 for this event, we wil
l be contacting you soon regarding distribution of the tickets, pre-show plans, and carpooling from the Princeton area.

Notes: Alumni and PU graduate students will be seated in a group in the Center Balcony Area.

Please contact Cathy Haught *05 at for more information.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

CANCELLED: Nov 13th - Bus Trip to the Yale Football Game

Sorry, there wasn't enough interest to make this group trip worth-while. Maybe next year for the Penn game!

If you are venturing to New Haven on Nov 13th, you are invited to the Princeton Alumni Association of Eastern Connecticut's tailgate ($10 alumni/$5 students), featuring mimosas, bloody marys, sandwiches, and appetizers. Please RSVP for the tailgate directly to them. Go Tigers!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Celebrating Alumni Community Service

Check out the Alumni Council's new Community Service Report and Resource guide here for news and inspiration. You'll find a picture of PA3 Community Service in action on page 2.

Monday, October 18, 2010

PA5 (Princeton Area Alumni Association Automotive Aficionados) join the Class of 1982 Model T Comittee

Several PA5 members joined the Great Class of 1982 on Saturday, October 16, to give the Class of '15/'50/'82 1915 Ford Model T its quarterly constitutional, with great thanks to the PA5 members from the Class of 1982!

More pictures of this outing are available on this Facebook page:

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Rare Book Set for Auction: The National Magazine (1852-1858)

Rare Book Set from the collection of George Bustin ‘70 The National Magazine: Devoted to Literature, Art, and Religion Vols. 1-5 and 7-13, covering the period from July 1852 (Vol 1) until December 1858 (Vol. 13) with only Vol. 6 missing.

Although this is called a "magazine" these are in fact bound books with rather fancy engravings and illustrations, typical of good quality publishing during the period. They are bound in a combination of cloth and leather. There is some "foxing" (light brown spots on some pages). One volume has some damage to the back binding.

Individual volumes (in lesser condition) typically sell for $30 or more at on-line rare book dealers. If you are looking to complete the set, some vendors sell print on demand versions for $30 to $100.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Oct 16th - *Private Guided Tour of the "Money on Paper: Bank Notes and Related Graphic Arts" Special Exhibit at Firestone Library

A PA3-exclusive event! The tour will be conducted by PA3's own Sev Onyshkevych '83 and major contributor to the exhibit.

Date: Saturday October 16th.
Time: 3-4:30 pm (please arrive promptly), light refreshments will follow the tour
Location: The Milberg Gallery (2nd Floor, Firestone Library, turn right at main entrance into the Rare Books Collection)

RSVP: Email Sev Onyshkevych '83 to reserve a spot. Space is limited.
This exhibit covers the history of banknotes (paper money) from early Chinese banknotes, the earliest European paper money and focuses on the design elements of money. It merges the university's US and Confederate paper money collections and Princeton resident (and PA3 Vice-President) Sev Onyshkevych’s collection of 50,000 worldwide banknotes. A highlight includes the earliest known work by John James Audubon (an engraving for a New Jersey banknote), which is shown along with the Princeton first edition of Audubon’s folio as well as a steel printing plate of Audubon’s Birds of America. Banknotes designed or printed by Ben Franklin, Paul Revere, Alfonse Mucha, Eero Saarinen and numerous others are also part of this historic exposition.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Community Service at Roebling Park

A group of energetic alums came out on a beautiful, sunny Sunday to clear trails in Roebling Park, Trenton. Volunteers included Praduemn Goyal '92 and his wife and two teenagers (seated at table, foreground); Marian Zelazny p11 (seated, in stripes); Kristin Epstein '97, Arlen Hastings '80, Sara Hastings '09, Jonathan Peele '91, Philo Elmer '69 (standing, left to right); and Dan Hayes-Patterson '09 (behind the camera). Thank you to Philo for organizing the event and to everyone for the hard work on a hot day. (See Facebook more pictures.)

Friday, September 10, 2010

PA3 Welcomes Director Jackie Leighton to the PU Davis International Center

The International Center has a new director, Jackie Leighton, from Montclair State. Jackie took over the reins of the International Center in August, replacing Paula Chow h10*who retired from the University June 30. Leighton comes to Princeton with 15 year experience as a manager of international programs and services including the management of student visas. Leighton, who reports to Vice Provost Dianna Davies leads Princeton into a new era of centralized services for international students and scholars at Princeton.

Intro to Marketing Seminar by Rod McNealy '72

The Office of Career Services at Princeton and the Princeton Area Alumni Association are proud to present the following program for alumni and students:

"Introduction to Marketing" by Rod Rod McNealy '72
(principal, McNealy Advanced Communications)
Date: Saturday, October 2nd
Time: 9am-4pm
Location:Robertson Bowl 001 (the Woodrow Wilson Building)
Princeton University Campus
Notes: Lunch and course materials provided!
Reservations and advanced payment required.

***A valuable educational event for alumni who are interested in marketing and/or plan on interacting with marketing organizations in the future.***

Learning Objectives: · Define what is marketing and understand why it is the engine driving all business strategy today.
· Describe the role of Marketing. · Comprehend and apply core marketing concepts (6 P's, 5 C's application) to analyze a range of marketing problems
· Understand Insights and Ideas - Key elements to Brand Marketing Communication.
· Identify Marketing Management tasks (Buying Process, Market Map, Benefit Ladder) and understand how marketing fits into the organizational environment.
· Build knowledge of key marketing concepts - Marketing Segmentation - Targeting, New Products, Line Extensions, Product Positioning and Brands versus Products.

Please pay by Paypal by Sept. 30, 2010 to reserve your spot.

Select your Seminar Option

Need to pay your dues to receive the discounted price? Click

Questions? Contact Cheryl Rowe-Rendleman ’81 at

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sept 12 - PA3 Post Pre-Rade Gathering at Triumph

After cheering on the Class of 2014, please join the PA3 for a social gathering at Triumph Brewing Company (138 Nassau Street) following the Princeton Pre-rade. Pre-rade starts at 4:00 on Sunday, September 12, so we'll be heading across the street around 5:00.

"What is the Princeton Pre-Rade?" you ask.. It's a new "tradition" for incoming freshmen at the beginning of Freshman Week. The freshmen, typically wearing t-shirts of their residential colleges, follow the university band through Fitz Randolph Gate, march across Nassau Lawn and continue onto an arch sing at Blair Arch. Local alumni and parents of the new Princetonians cheer them on. Alumni typically wear their reunion p-rade costumes, class jackets and other gaudy orange and black attire. It is not a replacement for p-rade, but an interesting ceremony welcoming the next class of undergraduates.

If you haven't been to a Princeton Pre-Rade, it's time to check it out (and continue the party at Triumph). If you see a lost looking parent, please invite him/her to join us, as well.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

‘Third Thursdays’ Happy Hour – August 19th from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at Witherspoon Grill

Join fellow Princeton Area Alumni for refreshments at the Witherspoon Grill in downtown Princeton.

Contact Lydia Zaininger at for more information. See you there!

Community Service Opportunity, Sept. 19: Trail Maintenance, Bridge Construction

Roebling Park, Trenton
Sunday, September 19, 10:00-4:00

Activities will include construction of a bridge over a small tidal creek; trail maintenance, specifically removal of a large tree that lies across a trail; removal of an invasive species (Japanese knotweed); and trash pickup in the area near the Charles Conrad Abbott home site. The Hamilton–Trenton–Bordentown Marsh, of which Roebling Park is part, is the northernmost tidal freshwater wetland on the Delaware River.

Spouses, significant others, and kids (12 and up) are welcome. No experience or special skills needed.

To sign up, and for directions and details about what to wear and what to bring, please email Arlen Hastings.

Thank you to committee member Philo Elmer '69 for getting this organized!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Welcome Freshmen!

The class of 2014 will include men and women from the following local high schools:
East Brunswick HS, Ewing HS, Florence Township Memorial HS, Hamilton HS East, Highland PArk HS, Hopewell Valley Central HS, The Hun School of Princeton, John P Stevens HS, Lawrence HS, Lawrenceville HS, Montgomery HS, The Peddie School, Phillips Academy, Piscataway HS, Princeton Day School, Princeton HS, Robbinsville HS, Rutgers Preparatory HS, Sayreville War Memorial HS, South Brunswick HS, Thacher School, West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North and West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South.

Congratulations and good luck to these bright students and thank you to the many PA3 volunteers who helped interview applicants from our region and beyond. Please help us "send them off" at our Ice Cream Social.

Ice Cream Social

Alumni, families, and incoming freshmen-

Please join PA3 for an ICE CREAM SOCIAL featuring T-Sweets ice cream sundaes and games on the front steps of Colonial Club. The event is designed for incoming freshmen from our local region to meet each other and local alumni families in a relaxed fun atmosphere. Please RSVP to Free to everyone!

Ice Cream Social
Thursday, August 26th (Rain or Shine)
5:30 to 7:00 PM

Saturday, July 10, 2010

PA3 Volunters at Special Olympics

A belated thanks to the terrific group of PA3 volunteers who came out on June 13 to help runners and jumpers in the Special Olympics of New Jersey Summer Games. (When I tried to upload this on the evening of the 13th my computer crashed and died. A coincidence, but it still took me this long to gather the courage to try again on my new laptop.) Volunteers included David Budd '79 with wife Catherine and daughter Lauren; Liz Henry '88 with husband Keith and daughter Lauryn; Wu Suen *99 with daughter Helen; Grace Penn '99; Marian and Olek Zelazny p11; Nell Whiting so69 (so=significant other - that should be an official alumni designation, right?); Tom Hastings '79, Sara Hastings '09, and Arlen Hastings '80. Also in attendance to cheer on the athletes were PA3 president Kristin Epstein '97 and her two young daughters.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Celebrating Princeton Graduate Alumni: An Inaugural Wine Tasting Event On June 29

PA3 is happy to announce a wine tasting at Eno Terra featuring California wines, light hors d'oeuvres, a brief wine seminar, mingling with fellow alumni and current graduate students, and information about some of PA3's new initiatives.

Tuesday, June 29
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Eno Terra Restaurant
4424 Kings' Highway (off of Route 27)
Kingston, NJ

Graduate alumni and graduate students will enjoy our special $5 ticket price.

So, save the date and RSVP below via secure Paypal. For more information, please email Cathy Haught *05 at

RSVP by June 25th.
Tickets for you and your guests (up to 2):
Eno Terra is located only minutes from the Princeton campus, in Kingston NJ. For directions and more information, you can visit:

Pay Your Dues Here

Thursday, June 3, 2010

June 11th - PA3 Post Show Talk with Play Wright

MISS CONNECTIONS by Marvin Harold Cheiten *71
A “comedy of manners” about a Princeton teenager, her cellphone, her parents and a couple of other crazies.

Come join Princeton area alumni at the Off Broad Street Theater in Hopewell for the return of this acclaimed play, written by Marvin Cheiten *71.

Friday, June 11th

7pm Dessert Buffet, 8pm Curtain

show followed by a PA3 private gathering with cast and author.

This promises to be a fun-filled evening! Sign up as soon as possible by calling the theater at 609-466-2766, as space is limited. Mention PA3 to be seated at our tables and to be included in the post-show event.

Tickets: $27.50, which includes the scrumptious dessert buffet before the show.

Contact Lydia Zaininger ’83 ( with any questions.

Looking forward to seeing you at Off Broad Street!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Stanley Jordan '81 at Salt Creek to benefit CASA of Mercer County

Stanley Jordan, class of ’81, returns to Princeton for one day on June 13th for a solo performance at the Salt Creek Grille at Forrestal Village, benefitting CASA of Mercer County. It will be a unique afternoon of jazz and interesting food and drink, spotlighting the electrifying, Grammy-nominated guitarist renowned for his “touch” or “tap” technique. The benefit will begin at 2 pmand end at about 4:30 pm. There will be gourmet hors d’oeuvres, a carving station, desserts, wine and beer and other (soft) beverages.

CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) is commonly referred to as the eyes and ears of family court. The organization recruits and trains community volunteers who stand up for abused and neglected kids in Family Court.

Tickets are $75 and may be purchased at, where a sample of his music is also available. Only 125 tickets will be sold. Call CASA at 609.434.0050 for more information.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Extreme Jobs: Preparing for a career in Science, Before , During, and After Princeton
  • What are the common and unique needs of women scientists from Princeton? Do you have the tools to stay engaged in your career? .
  • Growing your scientific career and moving to the next level? What are the assumptions, rubrics and measurements at different stages and across industries?
  • Networking and mentoring in science and medicine. How do men and women differ?
  • Imposter Syndrome. Recognizing the syndrome and Overcoming the barriers.
  • Mentoring; recognizing the need and the choice in science and medicine.
Join the discussion during reunions Friday May 28, 1-3:30 Lewis Laboratory 003 “Extreme Jobs: Preparing for a career in Science, Before , During, and After Princeton”. Sponsored by the PA3 and the Princeton Graduate School.

Monday, May 17, 2010

‘Third Thursdays’ Happy Hour – May 20th, 2010 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at the Tap Room

Join fellow Princeton Area alumni for refreshments at the Nassau Inn's historic Tap Room in downtown Princeton.

This group meets every third Thursday of every month. Mark it on your calendars!

Contact Lydia Zaininger at for more information.

Look for the folks wearing orange and black, and make sure that the serving staff knows you're with the PA3 to take advantage of special discounts.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Princeton Prize in Race Relations Awards Ceremony, May 6th

The Southern New Jersey Committee of the Princeton Prize in Race Relations invites you to the
Princeton Prize in Race Relations Awards Ceremony
Princeton Prize Winners
Corrine Gontowitz and Nashwa Yosry

The ceremony will feature Guest Speaker Janet Dickerson, Vice President for Campus Life. To view the detailed invitation, click here.

Date: Thursday, May 6, 2010
Time: 5:30-7:00 PM
Location: Maclean House in Princeton University

Sunday, April 18, 2010

PA3 Volunteers Help Young Triathletes

A handful of PA3 volunteers turned out to guide and cheer on 3- to 12-year old participants in the YMCA Healthy Kids Triathlon on April 18. Sara Hastings '09, pictured above, helped some of the youngest swimmers navigate the length of the pool.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

PA3 Caps Make Way for Hard Hats at Isles

PA3 members, spouses and offspring donned hard hats at the sixth PA3 Community Service Isles outing, where they demolished the interior of a future warehouse for Terracycle. The building, which Isles purchased in late 2009, is adjacent to the 19th century textile mill Isles is converting to a mixed-use, "green" village, where PA3 volunteers have worked in the past.
Special thanks to Joe Voigtsberger '82 and his daughter Kate for their perfect attendance at all six Isles volunteer days. Kudos also to the "heavyweight" crew for pulling down ceilings and knocking down walls: Joe, Mark Horning '79 with son Gareth (pictured above), David Budd '79, Barry Zhang *94, Dan Hayes-Patterson '09, Richard Wong '95, and Dina Kravets '88 and her daughter Pearl. Other volunteers who pulled down siding, dismantled fixtures, toted debris to the dumpster, and otherwise helped out were Seamus Abshere '06, Laurel Goodell *83, Sara Hastings '09, Bettina Miguez '06, Richard's wife Jaime Wong, Kate, and your well-meaning but muscularly deficient Community Service chair, Arlen Hastings '80, who amused and/or terrified the Isles staff by using a power saw. (More pictures on Facebook.)

Friday, April 16, 2010

New Admit Reception - Saturday, April 17th

We invite you to join us at a reception for the recently admitted students on Saturday afternoon, April 17. We will meet in Maclean House, on the campus, from 1:00 - 3:00 pm. At that time you will be able to meet with current Princeton students as well as alumni and members of the admissions office. L ight refreshments will be provided, along with some terrific entertainment.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Special Olympics Summer Games, Sunday, June 13

Please join PA3 for a rewarding afternoon (12:00-4:00) in the company of fellow alums supporting athletes with intellectual disabilities. PA3 volunteers will be helping out with Field Events at the Special Olympics New Jersey (SONJ) Summer Games at the College of New Jersey in Ewing.

Jobs will be assigned randomly unless you indicate a preference between working in the field, e.g. as a marker/measurer/recorder for jumps; or working directly with an athlete as an escort.

Family and friends are welcome. Kids must be 13 or older to volunteer alone; 10- to 12-year-olds may volunteer with a parent.

Lunch and t-shirts will be provided by SONJ, and volunteers will receive a PA3 cap.

SONJ is holding 25 volunteer slots for PA3. If you would like to be part of PA3’s first trip to the Olympics, please sign up no later than May 15 via email to Arlen Hastings. After that, any unfilled slots will be released to other groups.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

APGA Engineering Mixer - April 14th (with free dinner!)

Each year the APGA, in partnership with various university organizations for student life, sponsors a number of mixers that provide an opportunity for current graduate students to meet with alumni from their disciplines. It also provides a chance for alumni to interact with each other. While the focus of this mixer is on Engineering, alumni from other disciplines are welcome to attend.

The mixers give current graduate students an opportunity to learn more about how to navigate the post-graduate student life and learn from your own experience. Your experience managing the important transition from graduate school into the professional world is highly valued by the University. We hope that you can attend this evening event and share your thoughts with the next generation of graduate students in a casual setting. Our experience with these mixers is that the student-alumni ties initiated at these events develop into constructive relationships.

A light buffet dinner will be served.

Date: Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Time: 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Location: Friend Center (

Friday, April 2, 2010

Princeton Project 55 20th Anniversary Gala, May 27

Princeton Project 55 is an alumni-driven organization that promotes alumni engagement in the public interest. Project 55 is celebrating its 20th anniversary by honoring the people, programs and impact of this multigenerational organization at a special gala at the Westin Princeton on Thursday, May 27, 2010 at 6 p.m. The keynote speaker will be The Honorable Cory A. Booker, Mayor of Newark, NJ. More than 200 alumni already plan to attend. To join the celebration or for more information, please click here. Questions? Contact Natasha Robinson ’04.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

PA3 Happy Hour at the Yankee Doodle Tap Room!

Princeton Area Alumni Association
PA3 Happy Hour at the Yankee Doodle Tap Room
Thursday, April 1st 2010

Come have fun with fellow PA3ers as we meet for drinks at the Tap Room on April Fool's Day! Share best anecdotes of pranks you played--or were played on you. It would be foolish to miss this!

Date: Thursday, April 1st
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Location: Yankee Doodle Tap Room at The Nassau Inn, Palmer Square, Princeton
Note: Free to attend; pay for your consumption
Your support is always welcome, look for the PayPal button on the right to pay your dues. Thank you

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Isles, Saturday, April 17: Information for Volunteers

Saturday, April 17, 10:00-4:00

Isles has obtained another building on its Johnston Avenue site and is converting it to a new home for TerraCycle. PA3 volunteers will once again have a chance to tear down an interior and do some renovation. Weather permitting, we’ll also be doing prep work on the outside walls; the TerraCycle folks plan to decorate the building’s exterior with graffiti (“urban art”), as they’ve done at their New York Avenue site (pictures here).

Friends and family members (ages 10 and up) are welcome. No experience required.

To sign up, please email
Arlen Hastings.

Waiver Forms: Available here. Please print, complete, sign, and bring with you. Repeat volunteers need provide only name, date and signature. (Extra forms will be provided at the site if you forget.)

Lunch: Bring your own, or bring $6 per person for pizza; exact change appreciated.

Isles will provide: Coffee, drinking water, and indoor plumbing; all necessary tools and equipment.

Dress code: Long pants, sturdy shoes, something orange or otherwise Princetonian, and your PA3 cap if you have one. New volunteers will be given PA3 caps.

Directions from Princeton: Proceed south on Route 1 to the Whitehead Road exit. Take that exit; it crosses Route 1, so you’ll end up heading east. Stay to the right as you come off the exit; you will be on Whitehead Road. After about one mile, the name of the road changes to East State Street. Continue 0.3 mile on East State; then turn right onto Johnston Avenue. You will see a large, red brick building ahead on the left. Turn left onto Roberts Street (at the corner of the property) and then right into the parking lot. (Street address is One Johnston Avenue, Trenton NJ 08609.)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Princeton Project 55 Seeks NJ Volunteers

NJ Tigers! Princeton Project 55 is looking for a few good alumni activists to revitalize its Garden State program. Now in its 20th year, PP55 seeks NJ volunteers to help find and frame 5 to 7 New Jersey-based fellowships, mentor selected fellows, and participate in statewide NJ fellows colloquia. Either individually or through local Princeton clubs, here's a wonderful chance to be part of a great Princeton alumni initiative, as well as address important NJ needs, connect with fantastic young grads, and improve NJ's welfare. Please consider joining our provisional project team, which will convene in time for PP55's 20th anniversary gala this June at Reunions. Contact Tom Pyle '76.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Community Service: Kids' Triathlon 4/18

Sunday, April 18, 8:30-11:00: PA3 is going back to the Princeton YMCA - site of a playground building project in October - to help out at the "Healthy Kids Triathlon." Volunteers are needed to direct kids on the course; serve as timekeepers for swimming, biking and running; help with the transition between events; and take pictures. Early risers might want to help with parking, registration and set-up (8:00-9:00), and a few volunteers will be needed to hand out awards and snacks (11:00-12:00). If your child (ages 3-12) would like to participate in the triathlon, registration information is here.
For more information or to sign up, please email Arlen Hastings.

Community Service: Isles Construction 4/17

Saturday, April 17, 10:00-4:00: Isles has obtained another building on its Johnston Avenue site and is converting it to a new home for TerraCycle. PA3 volunteers will once again have a chance to tear down an interior and do some renovation. Weather permitting, we'll also be doing prep work on the outside walls; TerraCycle plans to decorate the building's exterior with graffiti ("urban art"), as they've done at their New York Avenue site (pictures here). Please note: the Isles gardening project has been canceled. We're on the lookout for other volunteer gardening opportunities; suggestions welcome.
For more information or to sign up, please email Arlen Hastings.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Community Service: Save the Dates

Save the dates for two upcoming Community Service projects:

Saturday, April 17: Join PA3 volunteers as we help turn a quarter-acre site adjacent to Isles Youth Build Institute in Trenton into a garden (rain date April 18).

June 11-13: PA3 will be out in force to help with the Special Olympics Summer Games at The College of New Jersey in Ewing. A variety of jobs will be available. Details coming in March.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Tiger Talk: Charter Schools in Suburbia - Feb 5th

**Note as of Sat at 8:30 AM: The event will occur as planned**


Waiting for Superman in Central NJ? Why is there a trend of new charter schools in areas that have outstanding public schools?

Featuring these outstanding panelists:

Julia Sass Rubin, PhD S*05 - One of the founding members of Save our Schools NJ, a nonpartisan, grassroots organization of parents and other concerned residents who believe that all New Jersey children should have access to a high quality public education.

Carolyn Rouse, PhD. - Princeton University Professor of Anthropology

Maureen Quirk, PhD *82 S*83 P13 - Founder and Trustee of Princeton Charter School, a public school in Princeton Township offering a free, academically rigorous education to students in kindergarten through grade eight.

Parker Block - Founder and Spokesperson of Princeton International Academy Charter School, a Mandarin-immersion public school opening its doors to students in kindergarten through second grade from the Princeton Regional, South Brunswick, and West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional school districts starting in September 2011.

Bonnie Rogers '13 - Princeton University Student and Charter School Volunteer with Scholar Academies and Foundation Academy Charter School in Trenton, NJ

Following their comments, the panelists will be available for questions from attendees or other panelists.

February 5, 2011

10 AM – 12 noon

The Nassau Club, 6 Mercer Street, Princeton, NJ

Danishes and coffee/tea/juice included

Ticket price: $10 per person

PayPal RSVP no longer available.

Please bring cash or check to pay at the door.

If you would like to find out more about these organizations in Central NJ, please visit their websites:

Princeton International Academy Charter School (grades K – 2nd and adding grades)

Princeton Charter School Princeton Charter School (grades K – 8th)

Save Our Schools NJ (SOSnj) Save our Schools NJ

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Feb 18th Wine Tasting, Mediterra

Tiger Tasting February Event:
Wine Tasting at Mediterra, February 18, 2010

Just a few days after the beloved and dreaded Valentine's Day, we invite you to unwind at the relaxing atmosphere of Mediterra with another fun and informal wine tasting. Join us for our comeback to the birthplace of our cherished Tiger Tasting events! Cost is $30 for a dues paying member and guest (limit one guest at this price) and $40 for all others. Our last 3 events were wildly popular and fun - they sold out quickly - please sign up soon!

We will arrive at Mediterra at 6 PM, the wine seminar will begin promptly at 6:30 and is slated to end at around 8 PM.

Date: Thursday, February 18th
Time: 6 - 8 PM
Location: Mediterra
29 Hulfish Street, Princeton, NJ 08542

Please pre-pay with the secure PayPal links below. If you prefer to send a paper check, please make it payable to the Princeton Area Alumni Association and mail it to our Treasurer:

Fouad J Masrieh
1009 Barclay Blvd.
Princeton, N J 08540

Please contact us with any questions regarding this event:

PA3 Membership Status
Name/Class Year

PA3 Calendar of Events

For our latest events, please check our monthly e-mail newsletter.