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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Help Build a Playground!

Rachel Riedl *08 is coordinating a volunteer effort to build a playground in Hopewell Township over five days this June. She writes:

“Please volunteer to use your energy creatively and get involved in the Hopewell Borough Playground Project! The architectural design of this new community playground uses drawings, essays, and suggestions from students all over the county who were asked their ideas of 'dream playgrounds.' Now we need your help to build it! Together, we can create safe, environmentally friendly, child-inspired, community-built playgrounds for all to enjoy! Like an old fashioned barn-raising, the new playground will be built on June 17-21, 2009. We will need a total of over 750 community volunteers of all ages and skill-levels to work side-by-side and build a lasting product for our community.”

To sign up for a volunteer shift, go to

Further details are available at; go to -Volunteers-, -Search Opportunities-, and enter keyword -Hopewell-. (Sorry - the direct URL is too unwieldy to include here.)

Still have questions? Please contact Rachel at or 609 356 4999.

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